
أمسية المحاضرة

Souraya Noujaim: Beyond frontiers: Connected stories of Islamic art

فبراير 12, 2024


مركز اليرموك الثقافي


Souraya Noujaim
Dr. Souraya Noujaim is the Director of the Islamic Arts Department at Musée du Louvre in Paris, where she oversees the curatorial strategy and the development of its collection and narrative. Prior to this role, Dr. Souraya was the first appointed Scientific, Curatorial and Collections Management Director at Louvre Abu Dhabi. She has also been a key figure in driving the scientific aspects of international partnership programmes and has defined its research programmes along with supervising the creation of the museum’s scientific analysis laboratory

Beyond frontiers: Connected stories of Islamic art
Recent research interests in mobility, transculturality, and their mirror effects on globality has brought new perspectives to the study of Islamic art. This has led to an increasing interconnection among the various disciplines of art history. The phenomena that globalisation and migration embrace today, are not recent. At each stage of history, globalisation draws a complex map featuring commercial, artistic, intellectual, and scientific migrations and exchanges. The purpose of this lecture is to discuss the cultural and commercial exchanges that linked Islamic art to the world, explored via the prism of objects, the vast networks of exchanges and influences that fuelled creative activities from East to West, for what they translate of assimilation and transformation of forms and iconography in Islam


The event is finished.

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