DAI Education

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DAI Children's Education Programmes

The DAI at the Amricani Cultural Centre will offer a special summer series of activities for children of all ages. Storytime will continue on Saturdays at 3:30. Please follow us on Instagram Dai_education for the dates and times of other activities.

This season the DAI is offering longtime favourites, like the Children’s Art Workshop series and Family Day and continuing newer programmes like the Experience Science courses and StoryCraft. As always, the programmes – held at the Amricani Cultural Centre – promote cultural awareness, provide opportunities to be creative, and encourage fun!

Volunteers and docents

Be Our Partner

How can you help? Volunteer. It really is that simple. If you have a couple of hours every month and are inclined to support programmes that impact the community, volunteer.

We have three categories of volunteers at the DAI. The first, and most formal, is DAI Docents. We also have volunteer opportunities working with children and opportunities working with other aspects of the organisation.

DAI Docents are specially trained individuals who help us host visitors to the exhibitions. They complete a 12 – 15 hour training programme, including lots of interactive experiences. When ready, they serve as guides for those visiting the Amricani – VIPs, community groups, classrooms and people looking to benefit from the incredible exhibitions on display.

In addition to docents, we need story readers and story tellers. We need people willing to share their talents through workshops, performances, design, and, yes, administrative support. Whether you choose to be in front of an audience or behind the scenes, work with children or more generally with the organisation, your contribution is important.

On our side, we so appreciate your time, effort and enthusiasm and will do everything in our power to continue to make the volunteer experience rewarding. We are happy to work with our volunteers to involve them in activities they will enjoy. The people the volunteers work with, the staff and other volunteers, all enjoy learning/doing something new and sharing knowledge and expertise.

Come join us.

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