Virtual Tour

Ongoing Exhibitions in Kuwait​

Arabia Felix and Rome:
A passage across three seas

October 15th, 2023 - Present
at Amricani Cultural Centre

Modern Architecture of Kuwait
(1949 - 1989)

December 8th, 2017 - Present
at Amricani Cultural Centre

Art from the Islamic World

October 20th, 2019-Present
at Amricani Cultural Centre

Story of the Amricani

25 February 2011 – Present
at Amricani Cultural Centre

Home of Kind Words:
Calligraphy in The al-Sabah Collection

December 15th, 2022 – present
at Amricani Cultural Centre

Past Exhibitions in Kuwait​


April 2nd, 2019 - October 10th, 2022
at Amricani Cultural Centre

Islamic Art, Bargello Museum
From Florence to Kuwait

December 14th - January 14th, 2022
at Amricani Cultural Centre
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